

It was first Hippocrates- the ancient Greek philosopher who mentioned the meaning of loss. In Greek the word is ‘apolia’ that has its roots in the verb of the word ‘apolime’ that means I am lost!

To lose something, I must first have it and fully tasted it. If I had it and I am hurt by its loss, it means I deeply loved it. But if I am capable of loving someone or something it means I am alive, human and mortal capable to feel and sympathize. The more I loved, connected, surrendered the more I will feel hurt. One thing is interconnected with the other. Pain and joy are hand in hand. But, how will I live a mortal life if I don’t get hurt, how will I enjoy if I don’t know how it feels to lose someone or something. I will mourn all delights that I first had. How will I run if I don’t fall first and get hurt. I could crumble but then I would never learn how to fly.

Whenever something hurts, we look forward to getting rid of it as soon as possible. But I wont heal if I don’t mourn first. We have the feeling that the pain will last for ever and we wish it could just vanish. We refuse to see that pain is calling us to let it be and be experienced as it washes away. Loss brings the cracking of our comfort as we thought it was. The milestone in

mourning is when we realize that our life won’tbe the same ever again . And this is when we need to negotiate and find new meanings…