Emotions and Suffering

Emotions and Suffering

Life is unpredicted and there will be days where we suffer more or not all. Not accepting our suffering by resisting to its difficult emotions makes the suffering more persisting. “What we resist, persists”.
Recognising the suffering letting the emotions flow is the first step. The days of our lives are like the weather. We have no control over the weather conditions but how we will feel towards the conditions, will depend on the interpretation and meaning we give to the weather. The weather is not good or bad and all seasons are necessary for the nature to grow and bloom and life itself. A rainy day might be a blessing when you are outside looking for snails.
Allowing yourself to feel all kinds of emotions creates room for healing and change, whereas having feelings unexpressed can lead to unhealthy ways of dealing with them, like alcohol to escape from them. Instead of escaping try to embrace yourself as mother would embrace her child. By showing self-compassion you free yourself from guilt and anger making room for connecting.